ISO 13061-13:2024 Physical and mechanical properties of wood — Test methods for small clear wood specimens — Part 13: Determination of radial and tangential shrinkage
This document specifies a method for the determination of linear shrinkage in the radial and tangential directions of wood.
ISO 13061-13:2024 Referenced Document
ISO 24294 Timber - Round and sawn timber - Vocabulary
ISO 3129 Wood — Sampling methods and general requirements for physical and mechanical testing of small clear wood specimens
ISO 13061-13:2024 history
2024ISO 13061-13:2024 Physical and mechanical properties of wood — Test methods for small clear wood specimens — Part 13: Determination of radial and tangential shrinkage
2016ISO 13061-13:2016 Physical and mechanical properties of wood - Test methods for small clear wood specimens- Part 13:Determination of radial and tangential shrinkage