GOST R 59971-2021 Surveillance, navigation, communications and automation of civil aviation air traffic of the Russian Federation. Tactical and technical requirements
This standard applies to means of surveillance, navigation, communication and automation of the civil aviation air traffic management system, such as:
——surveillance radar;
——airfield surveillance radar;
——secondary radar;
——airfield radar complex;
——track radar complex;
——airfield surveillance radar;
——automatic dependent surveillance system – broadcasting;
——multi-position airfield surveillance system;
——multi-position wide-area surveillance system;
——video surveillance equipment;
——automatic direction finder;
——radio beacon system for instrumented approach of aircraft (meter range);
——marker radio beacon;
——omnidirectional radio beacon of azimuthal range of very high frequencies;
——omnidirectional ultra-high frequency rangefinder radio beacon;
——drive radio station;
——global navigation satellite system;
——ground-based means of aeronautical mobile telecommunications in the very high frequency range;
——ground-based means of aeronautical mobile and fixed telecommunications in the high frequency range;
——voice communication switching system;
——ground equipment for the aviation fixed satellite communication system;
——message switching center for aviation ground data transmission and telegraph communication networks;
——route automation equipment for air traffic control;
——means of displaying the air situation;
——means of uniform time;
——equipment for documenting and reproducing information;
——hardware and software for processing planned information;
——software and hardware for the control and monitoring system for ground movement;
——equipment for the automatic transmission of information to aircraft crews in the airfield area (contract, broadcast);
——equipment of a system for automatic transmission of meteorological information to aircraft crews along the route;
——ground equipment for air-to-ground data transmission lines in the very high frequency range;
——ground-based data processing equipment for the address-reporting system of aviation airborne radio communications for the provision of data link services in the interests of air traffic services in the very high and high frequency bands;
——ground equipment of the aviation digital telecommunications network;
——stop line crossing control system
GOST R 59971-2021 history
2022GOST R 59971-2021 Surveillance, navigation, communications and automation of civil aviation air traffic of the Russian Federation. Tactical and technical requirements