IEC 61753-071-02:2020+AMD1:2024 CSV
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 071-02: Non-connectorized single-mode fibre optic 1 × 2 and 2 × 2 spatial switches for category C - Controlled environments

Std & Spec
Standard No.
IEC 61753-071-02:2020+AMD1:2024 CSV
Release Date
Published By
Standard Association of Australia (SAA)
IEC 61753-071-02:2020+AMD1:2024 CSV
IEC 61753-071-02:2020+AMD1:2024 CSV contains the minimum initial test and measurement requirements and severities which non-connectorized single-mode fibre optic 1 × 2 and 2 × 2 spatial switches need to satisfy in order to be categorized as meeting the requirements of category C – controlled environments, as defined in Annex A of IEC 61753-1:2018. This first edition cancels and replaces IEC 61753-071-2 published in 2014. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC 61753-071-2:2014. a) addition of performance requirements of repeatability and switching durability; b) deleting of performance requirements of directivity; c) deleting of test of operational shock; d) change of performance requirements of switching time; e) change of test condition of high optical power; f) harmonization of the test conditions with IEC 61753-1:2018.

IEC 61753-071-02:2020+AMD1:2024 CSV history

  • 0000 IEC 61753-071-02:2020/AMD1:2024 CSV
  • 2024 IEC 61753-071-02:2024 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components – Performance standard – Part 071-02: Non-connectorized single-mode fibre optic 1 × 2 and 2 × 2 spatial switches for category C – Controlled environments
  • 0000 IEC 61753-071-02:2020 CSV

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