NB/T 11199-2023
Three-dimensional design model interaction and modeling specifications for power transmission and transformation projects (English Version)

Three-dimensional design model interaction and modeling specifications for power transmission and transformation projects
Standard No.
NB/T 11199-2023
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Professional Standard - Energy
NB/T 11199-2023
This standard unifies the interaction rules and modeling methods of 3D design models for power transmis ion and transformation projects, enables data interoperability between 3D design data between different software and platforms, and meets editability requirements. The interaction rules include technical requirements such as 3D model file format, model architecture, storage structure, and hierarchical management. The modeling method includes requirements such as model construction rules, graphic geometry information fineness, and attribute information fineness.

NB/T 11199-2023 history

  • 2023 NB/T 11199-2023 Three-dimensional design model interaction and modeling specifications for power transmission and transformation projects

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