T/GXTC 0003-2024
Technical code of practice for efficient promoting stems development from tillers of sugarcane variety “Guire 2” (English Version)

Std & Spec
Standard No.
T/GXTC 0003-2024
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China
T/GXTC 0003-2024
This document defines the terms and definitions involved in the high-efficiency tillering and stemming technology of the sugarcane variety "Guire No. 2", and stipulates the variety characteristics, cultivation, tillering of newly planted sugarcane, and tillering of ratoon sugarcane variety "Guire No. 2" Stems and other technical requirements. This document is applicable to the high-efficiency tillering and stem cultivation technology of the sugarcane variety "Guire 2".

T/GXTC 0003-2024 history

  • 2024 T/GXTC 0003-2024 Technical code of practice for efficient promoting stems development from tillers of sugarcane variety “Guire 2”

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