DIN EN 61996-1 E:2012
Draft Document - Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) - Part 1: Voyage data recorder (VDR) - Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results (IEC 80/670/CDV:2012)...

Std & Spec
Standard No.
DIN EN 61996-1 E:2012
Release Date
Published By
Replace By
DIN EN 61996-1 E:2012-10
DIN EN 61996-1/A1:2022-09

DIN EN 61996-1 E:2012 history

  • 2022 DIN EN 61996-1/A1:2022-09 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) - Part 1: Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results (IEC 61996-1:2013/A1:2021); English version EN 61996-1:2013/A1:2021...
  • 2021 DIN EN 61996-1/A1 E:2021 Draft Document - Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) - Part 1: Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results (IEC 80/976/CDV:2020); English version EN 61996-1:...
  • 2014 DIN EN 61996-1 Berichtigung 1:2014-05 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) - Part 1: Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results (IEC 61996-1:2013); English Version EN 61996-1:2013, Corrigendum to...
  • 2014 DIN EN 61996-1:2014-03 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) - Part 1: Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results (IEC 61996-1:2013); English version EN 61996-1:2013 / Note: DIN EN ...
  • 2014 DIN EN 61996-1:2014 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) - Part 1: Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results (IEC 61996-1:2013); English version EN 61996-1:2013
  • 2008 DIN EN 61996-1:2008 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) - Part 1: Voyage data recorder (VDR) - Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results (IEC 61996-1:2007); English version EN 61

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