2020DIN EN 61810-1/A1:2020 Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 1: General and safety requirements (IEC 61810-1:2015/A1:2019); German version EN 61810-1:2015/A1:2020
2017DIN EN 61810-1 Berichtigung 2:2017 Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 1: General and safety requirements (IEC 61810-1:2015); German version EN 61810-1:2015, Corrigendum to DIN EN 61810-1 (VDE 0435-201):2015-10, (IEC 61810-1:2015/COR1:2017); German version EN 61810-1:2015/AC:2017-07
2015DIN EN 61810-1:2015 Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 1: General and safety requirements (IEC 61810-1:2015); German version EN 61810-1:2015
2009DIN EN 61810-1:2009 Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 1: General requirements (IEC 61810-1:2008); German version EN 61810-1:2008