DIN EN ISO 15147 E:2012 Draft Document - Light conveyor belts - Tolerances on widths and lengths of cut light conveyor belts (ISO/FDIS 15147:2012); German version FprEN ISO 15147:2012
2013DIN EN ISO 15147:2013-04 Light conveyor belts - Tolerances on widths and lengths of cut light conveyor belts (ISO 15147:2012); German version EN ISO 15147:2012
2013DIN EN ISO 15147:2013 Light conveyor belts - Tolerances on widths and lengths of cut light conveyor belts (ISO 15147:2012); German version EN ISO 15147:2012
1970DIN EN ISO 15147:1999 Light conveyor belts - Tolerances on widths and lengths of cut light conveyor belts