NS-EN 747-1:2012
Furniture - Bunk beds and high beds - Part 1: Safety, strength and durability requirements

Std & Spec
Standard No.
NS-EN 747-1:2012
Release Date
Published By
Standards Norway
Replace By
NS-EN 747-1:2012+A1:2015
NS-EN 747-1:2012+A1:2015
ADOPTED_FROM:EN 747-1:2012 This European Standard specifies requirements for the safety, strength and durability of bunk beds and high beds for domestic and non-domestic use. The loads and forces in the strength and durability tests apply to beds with an internal length greater than 140 cm and a maximum bed base width of 120 cm. The dimensional requirements are intended to minimise the risk of accidents, particularly to children. The strength and durability requirements are intended to represent use by one occupant per bed. Safety requirements for other products included in a bunk bed/high bed, for example a table or storage furniture, are not included in this standard. This European Standard does not apply to bunk beds and high beds used for special purposes, including but not limited to prison, the military and fire brigades.

NS-EN 747-1:2012 history

  • 2015 NS-EN 747-1:2012+A1:2015 Furniture - Bunk beds and high beds - Part 1: Safety, strength and durability requirements
  • 2012 NS-EN 747-1:2012 Furniture - Bunk beds and high beds - Part 1: Safety, strength and durability requirements
  • 2007 NS-EN 747-1:2007 Furniture - Bunk beds and high beds for domestic use - Part 1: Safety, strength and durability requirements
  • 1997 NS-EN 747-1:1993 Furniture — Bunk beds for domestic use — Part 1: Safety requirements

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