KS H ISO 6886:2013
Animal and vegetable fats and oils ― Determination of oxidation stability (Accelerated oxidation test)

Std & Spec
Standard No.
KS H ISO 6886:2013
Release Date
Published By
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS)
Replace By
KS H ISO 6886-2013(2018)
KS H ISO 6886-2023
KS H ISO 6886:2003
This standard specifies a method for measuring the oxidation stability of oils and fats under extreme conditions where accelerated oxidation is induced by supplying large quantities of air at high temperatures. Although the stability of oils and fats cannot be measured at room temperature, the efficacy of antioxidants added to oils can be compared. This method applies to both unrefined and refined animal and vegetable oils.

KS H ISO 6886:2013 history

  • 2023 KS H ISO 6886-2023 Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of oxidation stability(accelerated oxidation test)
  • 0000 KS H ISO 6886-2013(2018)
  • 2013 KS H ISO 6886:2013 Animal and vegetable fats and oils ― Determination of oxidation stability (Accelerated oxidation test)
  • 2003 KS H ISO 6886:2003 Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of oxidation stability(Accelerated oxidation test)

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