ISO 4257:2001
Liquefied petroleum gases - Method of sampling

Liquefied petroleum gases - Method of sampling
Standard No.
ISO 4257:2001
Release Date
Published By
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Replace By
ISO 4257:2001/cor 1:2007
ISO 4257:2001/cor 1:2007
This International Standard specifies the procedure to be used for obtaining samples of unrefrigerated liquefied petroleum gases (LPG). It is suitable for sampling from bulk containers, to provide samples for laboratory testing of products covered by ISO 9162. This International Standard is applicable for the provision of samples for compositional analysis by ISO 7941. It is not applicable for the provision of samples for trace analysis of low-boiling components. If trace analysis of low-boiling components is required, a variable-volume receiver such as that described in ASTM D 3700 should be used.

ISO 4257:2001 history

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