GB 13495-1992
Fire safety signs (English Version)

Fire safety signs
Standard No.
GB 13495-1992
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China
Replace By
GB 13495.1-2015
GB 13495.1-2015
This standard specifies the production and setting positions of safety signs related to fire protection and their signs. The scope of application of this standard shall be expanded as widely as possible to all places where it is necessary or necessary to indicate to the public the location and nature of the following: a. Fire alarm and manual control devices; b. Evacuation routes in case of fire; c. Fire extinguishing equipment ; d. Places or substances with fire and explosion hazards. This standard does not apply to the graphic symbols used on design drawings or maps covered by GB4327-84 "Graphic Symbols of Fire-fighting Facilities".

GB 13495-1992 history

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